WE’RE BEYOND THRILLED TO SHARE we found our PERMANENT home on a cozy Avondale corner!! Thank you @shokdiesel@eater_chicago for our fantastic feature of our bumbly path – we appreciate your support from the very beginning!! Real talk, it took me a while to write this because I was waterworks and so many things to be said and one thing that isn’t lost is that it is such a privilege and honor to build out something we’ve been wanting to do and now that it’s on the internets, it officially official!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you who have been so encouraging to us. Your support from the beginning and through these tumultuous times has truly help us keep our dreams alive. We also want to give a special shout out to our friends at @guildrow who has provided us with this amazing opportunity.
Stay tuned for behind the scenes, future sporadic pop ups and a continuation of our Thattu journey! Catch us here and subscribe for our newsletter updates. All the appam love, Margaret and Vinod 💚💚💚